The Elkins Round-the-World Voyage

July 16, 2000

Bora Bora


Hi friends, still in Bora Bora.  High and Low fronts are coming through, it was overcast and windy last night.   I worried about people dragging,  so I didn't sleep too well. We are behind a Motu Island by a coral reef. About 13 boats anchored here.  We  plan to do some snorkelling today and some laundry. Starting Monday there is supposed to be some dancing in the village. Dan and I dinghied to town to the store to get some coke and bread. We went in were the boat harbor was. Didn't see too much of the town yet, but it's not quite as pretty as the pictures. Only the resort areas are nice. And the anchorages.

It is really expensive here. Papette coke was 1500 a case, Raitea was 1700, and Bora Bora was 1900. Maybe it's the distance the supply ship has to travel. There is a lot of hiking places and there are US guns to see on the mountain points. Some of the trails are overgrown. There are a lot of tourist things to do. Motor scooters, bicycles, jet skis, canoes, dives, feeding the sharks, picnics on the Motu. We are going to snorkel over the coral gardens and there are the Manta Rays to see.  Some people said they are really deep now, 50' or so. There was a little pass between the islands that we took to town yesterday, very shallow.  There was a path laid out with plastic coke bottles that helped us through. We had a program, we thought there was javelin throwing yesterday but there was not. About 4 new boats came in so visited with them. Till Later Dan & Sandy

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mantaRay.jpg (24129 bytes) The manta ray is the largest member of the ray family and can measure up to 19 feet long and weigh as much as 2,300 pounds. Some manta rays have been caught that measure an unbelievable 23 feet across. This giant sea creature takes its name from the Spanish word 
"manta" meaning blanket. With its enormous black fins extended, the manta ray really does look like a huge floating blanket.
